Service area map - Oly-Comm1 Repeater

This prediction is based upon typical equipment performance histories and the known terrain. Green and gold shading indicate areas of operation, depending upon specific transmitter power.  This map was generated with an arbitrary distance cut-off beyond about 100 miles. This UHF-FM system was designed from a regional-coverage perspective. 


Service Area Map - Oly-Comm2 Repeater

While this prediction is also based upon typical equipment performance histories, and the known terrain, actual performance exceeds the immediate Port Townsend area with coverage into a portion of east Sequim. 



Service Area Map - Oly-Comm3 (East Tiger) Repeater

This prediction is also based upon typical equipment performance histories and the known terrain. Field-verification will occur upon completion of construction and any updates will be posted here. Green and yellow tinting indicates mainly mobile (higher-powered) coverage. As with every radio system, "Your Mileage May Vary" so it is always best to plan for mobile operations first and foremost, and recognizing that hand-held radio coverage will be best-used in conjunction with localized mobile-commands events!



Possible Service Area Map - Oly-Comm4 (West) Repeater

Coverage of the Oly-Comm1 system has been significantly improved with the addition of the DB-411B antenna. However, our desire to to provide solid coverage over more of the central Clallam County region, will be best served with the addition of a fourth repeater.  This projection is based upon a theoretical installation at either Striped Peak (a common site for solid communications in this part of Clallam County) or at Mt Gunderson.   For closer looks, "Right Click" either map and open in a new tab.



Beyond the coverages, listed above, of Oly-Comm repeaters 1, 2 and 3, there are other GMRS repeaters providing service for the Puget Sound and Olympic Peninsula region.  These are also operated by visionary individuals interested in the well-being of residents in the region.  Similar predictive mapping, for those systems,  will be displayed here as the necessary details become available.  Regional disaster-response repeater operators have a strong sense of helping-when-they-can and are happy to partner together in times of need.

Service Area Map - Lookout Mountain Repeater


Service Area Map - Cultus Repeater


Service Area Map - Sumas Repeater


Service Area Map - Gold Mountain


Jacob's Peak - Estimate


Capital Peak - Estimate

The personal and business usage of the GMRS continues to grow and evolve.  Yes, business usage remains completely legal, it is only the licensing of business entities that was discontinued in 1987.  Please refer to permitted usage here and prohibited usage here.

Another "hot topic" of discussion has been whether the "linking" together of GMRS repeaters is "legal" or not.  In general, FCC Part 95 rules have (in sometimes imprecise language) said no.  Some GMRS users have strenuously disagreed.

Historically, this topic [among many] has been seriously discussed via information presented via YouTube videos.  Examples are here and here (go to about 01:12:45). Subsequent language updates to the FCC website, and licensing documentation, now make clear that the current intention of the FCC is to prohibit GMRS repeater network interconnection (except as provided under Part 95.1745).  Any wishful thinking (or just plain stubbornness) to the contrary is just that.